Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Teancum Mark Heward

This is not only a super cute video, but also to help folks know how to pronounce his name. He is named after a righteous man in the Book of Mormon, Teancum was a military captain and a patriot who fought for the freedoms of his people. Teancum is also the name of Michael's Grandfather, Great Grandfather and Great Great Grandfather. They also fought for freedom for their families and country. We will call him Tank for short, because he is one. He was born at 1804 on 5/16/10 after 29 hours of labor (but it is hard to figure out when to start counting). He was born at home weighing 8 lbs 15 oz (after a good poop), 21 inches long and a 14 inch head. He is a great eater and a pretty chill baby mostly just making cute noises except when hungry or getting a cold wipe. He is awesome and we love him!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Idler's Rest on Mother's Day

We took a little hike on one of the few lovely days that we have been having.
Rosie was having some fun with sticks. Clearly she is a driven dog.